Donate in Peru


Fundación Chicuchas Wasi

scotia bank

A non-profit organization registered* in Cusco, Peru

Please submit your donation by transfer, from your bank to the bank account listed below.

On the same day of this transfer, please send an email to with the amount and the date sent. Your donation is very much appreciated and we will confirm by email reply.

Banco: Scotiabank
Nombre: Fundación Chicuchas Wasi
Numero de Cuenta: 780-7342664
Codigo swift: BSUDPDPL
Direccion: Calle Maruri 315, Cusco

  1. * la fundación esta inscrita en Registros Publicos el 21 de Marzo de 1988 conforme esta inscrita en el Tomo 1, Folio 49, Numero Uno, Partida Registral No. 02085680 de la Oficina Registral de la Cuidad del Cusco, Peru
  2. * En la Sunat con el Ruc No. 20154481568
